Clinical observation of effect of BIO-OSS material to periodontal defect after periapical curettage BIO-OSS促进根尖周刮治术后骨缺损修复的临床效果
Efficacy of periapical curettage in the treatment of fistula periapical periodontitis 根尖刮治术治疗瘘道型根尖周炎临床疗效观察
CONCLUSION: The BIO-OSS bone dust could significantly shorten the healing time after the periapical curettage, and could elevate the successful rate. which indicates evident clinical benefit. 结论:BIO-OSS骨粉能明显缩短术后骨缺损的愈合时间,有重要的临床意义。
AIM: To discuss the clinical effect of BIO-OSS bone dust to the periapical bone defect after periapical curettage. 目的:探讨BIO-OSS骨粉促进根尖周手术骨缺损修复的临床效果。